Habits you put into practice could be hurting and causing major damage to your teeth? Simple things you might not even realize you are doing can be wreaking havoc on your dental health. Lets change those bad habits! With a quality dentist in Kendall, you can learn new habits for overall dental health. If the damage has been done, you can get that fixed as well.

1. Biting Things/Objects

Do you chew your nails? Do you use your teeth to open bottles? Love chewing ice? All of those things can be very bad for your teeth.

2. Not using tooth picks correctly

There is a right way & a wrong way to use a tooth pick? Did you know that long-term use of tooth picks, whether done right or wrong, can harm your teeth and gums? Toothpicks should not become a normal replacement for regular brushing and flossing.

3. excess Sugar

Consuming too much sugar based foods and drinks is not only harmful to your health but can do serious damage over time. In fact, it can lead to tooth rotting and gum disease.

4. avoiding Brushing Regularly

The ADA recommends you brush your teeth two times per day using fluoride toothpaste for two minutes every time. This is the secret to removing plaque & food particles, and it’s key to good oral health. Failure to do this important daily task results in cavities, inflammation, and gum disease.

Do I Need Routine Dentistry?

Yes you do, and here is why. Regular visits mean catching dental problems before they get out of hand. The sooner an issue is discovered, the easier and more cost-effective it is to treat.

Your smile is the first thing people notice. Having teeth problems can seriously impact your health. Wouldn’t you feel better if you could show the world beautiful, healthy, and radiant teeth?