Do You Need a Lawyer for a Divorce Without Kids?

When one thinks of divorces, they often think of fights over custody of the kids. But what if you are divorcing and do not have kids? Do you still need a lawyer? 

Well, it depends on your situation, but usually, the answer is yes. A divorce lawyer can help make sure that all your paperwork has been filed properly and that you are getting the best outcome for you as you move forward. Let’s look at how a lawyer can benefit you even if you are divorcing without kids.

If the breakup is amicable / uncontested, do I really need an attorney?

There are typically only two reasons why you would consider not having a lawyer. One instance is if you and your spouse own no assets and therefore have nothing to divide in the divorce. The other is if no alimony payments are necessary. If the divorce is uncontested, you can easily file and not have to worry about divvying up marital property in this case. This is not the norm, so you likely will need a lawyer to protect your interests.

How can a divorce lawyer help me?

A lawyer can help you in many ways. Separations are emotional and often messy. It can become easy to lose perspective. Your lawyer will help to keep you focused. They will make sure all your necessary paperwork is filed, that they communicate with your spouse’s lawyers, and that you walk away from the separation with a fair amount of the marital properties. They also act as a barrier between you and your soon to be ex-spouse. A lawyer knows how to communicate effectively with a mediator or judge. They make this process as smooth as possible under the circumstances. Personal Injury Boca Raton

How can I prepare to meet with a divorce attorney?

Before hiring a lawyer, it is helpful if you have done some preparation so you can give them as much information as possible before they act. Have all of your paperwork showing marital assets such as cars, boats, or houses / property in order. Also, if there is evidence of marital indiscretions, bring that as well. If you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place, be sure to have it available for your lawyer.

During this difficult time, let our divorce lawyers help make the transition as smooth as possible.

We have a team of experts in  family law Boca raton available to help you through the divorce process. Call us today at 561-939-8042 to schedule a consultation with one of our divorce attorneys in Boca Raton.