What to Expect After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States. This is unsurprising, since by age 65 about 90% of people will have experienced cataracts. Cataracts occur when the lens of your eye begins to cloud over and impedes vision. They may start out a mild inconvenience but can lead to major vision problems as they progress. 

When cataract surgery is performed, the clouded lens of your eye is removed and a new lens is inserted. Cataract surgery is very safe and rarely has any complications. It is a fairly simple outpatient procedure, so you get to go home the same day. 

Considering cataract surgery? Here’s what to expect after your procedure.

Eye Protection

After your cataract surgery, protecting your eyes is very important. You may need to wear an eye patch or protective shield for a couple of days after the surgery. A lot of times, doctors recommend wearing the protective eye shield even while sleeping. 


You may need to use prescription eye drops or other medications to ensure there are no issues with infection after cataract surgery. Your eye doctor will prescribe medicine after surgery, and it is important that you follow prescribed instructions. Optometrist Boynton Beach

Vision Improvement

The first couple of days after having the cataract surgery done your vision will likely be blurry. It takes a couple of days for your eyes to adjust and heal. After two or three days, you should notice an improvement in your vision. Ophthalmologist Boynton Beach

Brighter Colors

Cataracts often cause yellowing from cloudiness, meaning you are not seeing true colors. After cataract surgery, colors should seem brighter because you are viewing them through an unclouded lens.

Follow Up 

One of the most important things to expect after cataract surgery is your follow-up appointments with your doctor. These appointments are essential to ensure you are healing properly. Expect to see your doctor one to two days after your surgery, a week after your surgery, and a month after your surgery so they can monitor your healing. Eye Doctor Boynton Beach

For State-of-the-Art Cataract Treatment, Turn to Our Skilled Eye Surgeon Here at South Palm

At South Palm, we have skilled optometrists available to assess your cataracts and to remove them. To schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors in Boynton Beach about cataract surgery, call us at 561-737-4040 today.